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Clinic Policy Changes

Dear patients,

我写信给你是为了介绍IM电竞App官网诊所和医院政策的一些重要变化,IM电竞App官网努力实现IM电竞App官网成为最好的医疗场所的愿景, to work, and to practice medicine. Within the coming months we will implement several changes aimed at improving our services and patient experience. 这些变化包括重新审视旧的政策,并制定新的政策,以提高IM电竞App官网对病人呼叫的响应时间,并简化IM电竞App官网的流程.

We are dedicated to improving timely, compassionate, and effective care. We recognize some days the wait-times are long, the check-in process can be frustrating, and same-day access can be limited. We aim to improve check-in and response time to calls, and we are recruiting more providers.  

With these goals, we ask for your cooperation, patience, and timeliness. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for appointments to ensure there is enough time for the check-in process. We also ask that same-day appointments be focused on one health concern in order to expedite your care and ensure fellow patients get the time they need with the provider. IM电竞App官网还想提醒病人IM电竞App官网的10分钟迟到政策:任何超过10分钟的人都需要重新安排另一天的时间.

Furthermore, IM电竞App官网正在改革IM电竞App官网的慢性疼痛政策,包括为需要更高剂量阿片类药物来控制疼痛的患者签署合同. These patients will sign quarterly contracts, take regular drug tests, and follow refill procedure. Our aim is to ensure safe and responsible opioid use while providing effective pain relief. Requests for refills of opioids will only be accepted Monday through Thursday. Allow 72 hours for the prescription to be filled. 这使得医疗服务提供者和工作人员有时间适当地审查护理计划,并确保遵守所有州和联邦法规. Additionally, as part of our commitment to combat the opioid crisis, Narcan will be prescribed alongside opioids for patient safety.

Lastly, 在卫生保健机构中,专门针对卫生保健工作者的暴力和破坏性行为有所增加. BBGH尽一切努力改善患者体验,确保IM电竞App官网继续成为一个安全愉快的工作和接受护理的地方. I urge both healthcare staff and patients to approach interactions with patience and kindness. Disruptive and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated by staff, patients, or family members. Going forward, reports or witnessed disruptive behavior may result in patients being discharged from BBGH clinics. Staff will be reprimanded or dismissed. It is crucial that we all treat each other with respect and understanding.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. It is an honor to serve the patients of Box Butte General Hospital. IM电竞App官网致力于与IM电竞App官网的员工和患者共同努力,使BBGH成为医疗保健和社区健康的首选目的地.


Brian Shelmadine DO, PhD, CSCS, CAQSM                                     Lori Mazanec MHA, ACHE
首席医疗官                                                                            首席执行官